
Reduce a little stress this fall

As I drove in to work today I noticed all the beautiful fall leaves and rich colors. Several trees were so brightly red they seemed to have been touched up with an artist’s brush. I noticed some tension reduce as I realized the seasons have changed in regular time through all my 60+ years. There have been Happier fall seasons. Sadder Septembers. There have been many exciting and uncertain times for sure.

At the moment- on top of all the ordinary business of life and the changing of the seasons we are all witnessing a very stressful election time. No matter what side of the political equation you are on I think we are all feeling the stress of fear and uncertainty. We are wondering what the future holds. I urge us all to take a breath, put things in perspective, make a choice for the greater good and be a little kinder to our neighbors.

Reduce a little stress by enjoying the fall colors. Put a few colorful leaves in a vase. Press a few between waxed paper with a hot iron and hang them in a window. Take a walk and kick a few leaves. Remember, ‘This too, like the leaves, will pass.’ If you continue to feel extra stressed- give Cedar Valley Counseling a call and come talk with a counselor. We can’t sort out the political climate but we can help you learn a few more skills to cope.

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