Greetings! Due to Covid 19 many of us have have altered our plans for gathering with friends and family for the Thanksgiving Day traditional celebration. I have been thinking about Thankfulness and how we can’t squeeze all our blessings into one day, one meal, one hug. Perhaps we can take the opportunity, though reluctantly, to focus on what we are Thankful for in different ways that might linger on, even when we go back to in person crowded tables and shared meals.
If you have decided to place your traditions on hold this year I realize that it can be hard to figure out how to do so graciously and in a way that can still bring joy to your heart. Here are a few ideas:
- Make an acrostic poem for each of your loved ones naming a quality you love about them (each letter of their name begins a new word or sentence about their awesomeness!)
- Deliver a homemade safely prepared treat to the homes of those you love
- Send a photo montage of happy times together
- Zoom or Skype and share “Gratitude Lists”
- Instead of a dinner, an outdoor bundled up walk or hike anyone?
- Take a rain check on 11/26— Thanksgiving can be had in style on a later date when we can all be safe
- Make a completely different kind of meal– not having the traditional food may make it easier. I am thinking of Phad Thai!!
- Collage (rip up magazine photos and glue them down on a poster board) all the feelings you have around this strange and unusual pandemic year. Put at least 2 images bearing hope for Thanksgiving 2021!
- Call Friends and Family and sing a song of blessing- if you don’t know one–make one up! This is a year to be remembered! If you don’t want to sing— try making up a Cheer or a Happy Dance! You can record yourself and send this to family and friends. Keep it Thanksgiving Grateful!
- Light a few candles, sit in a comfy chair, rest, imagine those you love including those who have passed on ahead and Thank each of them, in your heart, for what you have learned and gained from them. Include some kind thoughts for yourself and your own ability to rise up and learn new things- even how to get through a pandemic!
Thanks for each one of you who give me hope that we can overcome anything together! If you are losing hope- give us a call, talking through things is helpful even on telehealth!
Angela Olson for Cedar Valley